Scanner Designs
The Linear Book Scanner is Open Hardware, meaning the design is publicly available for anyone to build and improve on. Many people have built prototypes, and information about each design is shown below.
This was the first linear book scanner, developed by Dany Qumsiyeh as a 20% project at Google through 2012.
This prototype was designed by Dany Qumsiyeh in the summer of 2013.
This prototype was designed by Jit Yang Lim, Ryan Snyder, Zach Quanbeck, Eric Gu, and Shawn Wright in the fall of 2013 as part of the University of Michigan ME450 class.
This prototype was designed by Garrett Cullen, Kelsey Lindberg, Lauren Staszel, and Teresa Tombelli in the winter of 2014 as part of the University of Michigan ME450 class.
This prototype is being developed by a team in Germany for use by Mekele University in Ethiopia, and was shown at Maker Faire Hannover 2014.
This prototype was developed by GĂ©rard Tolboom through the summer of 2014.